You don’t have to be an EXPAT to leave the US!
Ep.128 If you're considering retiring outside the U.S., or maybe you just want a change of scenery for a while, this is the video you want to watch. We’ve been full-time travelers for over 2 years and have been through the decision process of analyzing the pros and cons of expat life vs slow travel. We share all our thoughts to help you choose your own path.
Our Travel Epiphany: How Connecting with Locals Beats Tourist Traps
Ep.92 We discuss how we’ve adjusted our travel after 16 months because of an experience in Chiang Mai. This episode digs deep into how we feel about full-time travel.
Health vs Wealth: We retired early, should you?
Ep.67 Money isn’t the only factor to consider when deciding when to retire. It’s the easiest to focus on, but we think you should consider what activities you want to do in retirement and how health issues could ruin those plans. We share a frank discussion about why we retired early and how our lives have changed as full-time travelers.
A pause to share an emotional moment
Ep.18 At the end of March, 2023, Kevin will be the same age his dad was when he passed away. When he realized our plans will overlap that date, it triggered a flood of emotions. We felt we needed to pause our downsizing and share this moment with you.
A setback and a move forward - the COVID lockdown
Ep.9 Immediately after the family reunion, COVID shut everything down. While Judy stayed connected to family via video chats, Kevin struggled with depression in 2020 — the doomed year. We also talk about our move to a bigger apartment and exploring Dual Italian Citizenship.
Meeting my birth mom for the first time! A Family Reunion
Ep.8 A hug from a mother after 55 years is an emotionally charged moment. Meeting a dozen family members for the first time amplifies the love. This reunion episode might even have you reaching for a tissue.
First contact with my birth family using 23andMe
Ep.7 Only a month after returning from Italy, DNA results led to first contact with a cousin. Soon after that, the floodgates poured open and more family was connected. The best was yet to come when Judy listened to her voicemail. Episode 7 is packed full of special moments… including finding Gina Marie.
A Surprise in Italy - 23andMe Results
Ep.6 While traveling in Italy at the end of 2019, Judy got an email with some amazing 23andMe DNA test results. In this episode, we talk about what led up to this moment and share pictures of our trips to Rome, Florence, Milan, and Venice. Finding Gina Marie was suddenly closer than we ever expected.
Downsizing our lives - Houston to San Francisco
Ep.5 We decided to flip our lives around 180 degrees and move from our multi-car, 6 people in a house, lifestyle in Houston to a new biking/walking, apartment-dwelling, empty nester lifestyle in San Francisco. Not only did we have to change every routine in our lives, but we accidentally set ourselves up to be much closer to Finding Gina Marie.
She left us too soon - One door closes and another opens
Ep.3 Leaving family is hard and losing them even harder. But sometimes sad events can lead to discovering more about ourselves. It can also lead to clues, like finding adoption paperwork.
Goodbye, Buffalo! Starting our new life in Houston
Ep.2 From Buffalo, New York to Houston, Texas to San Francisco, California. This wasn’t exactly the plan. Watch this episode on YouTube or listen to our podcast to find out more.
Finding Gina Marie - Starting a new chapter of our lives
Ep.1 Welcome to our video podcast, Finding Gina Marie. In this first episode, you’ll find out how our journey started and a little bit about where we are going. This episode will introduce you to us, Judy and Kevin Hoctor, and explain what this podcast is all about. You can watch us on YouTube or listen to our podcast.
Visit Our Gear Guide
If you’re interested in what we pack in our suitcases, take a look at our Gear Guide.
You’ll also find links to those products if you want to buy any items on our list. Using our links also helps our channel.

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You can also watch and subscribe to our video podcast on our Finding Gina Marie YouTube channel.