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Fearless Abroad: Tips for Navigating Non-English Speaking Countries with Ease!
There’s no reason to limit your travels to countries where you speak the local language. We’ve got a bunch of tips and helpful hints to help you navigate language barriers and communicate confidently.
Navigating Prescription Medication While Traveling Abroad
One of the common worries for people considering full-time travel is how they will refill their prescriptions while living internationally. Here are some strategies to ensure your medications come along with you without interruption.
Discovering the Joy of Slow Travel: Unraveling the Magic of Living Like a Local
Our first destination as full-time travelers was to Italy. We’d visited a few cities there previously, but we knew we wanted to explore at least Napoli and Sicily for our maiden month-long trip.
Navigating Love and Travel: A Couple's Q&A Guide to Full-Time Adventure!
Full-time travel is a big decision, and we had to ease our way into the idea of it.
Ditching the Safe Bet: Embracing the 'What Ifs' of Full-Time Travel
The more we visualized what this new life would be like, the more flaws we saw. Everyone is saying that 60 is the new 40, and while we agree, how long do we prioritize work over living the life we’ve always dreamed of?
Dreamy Cappuccinos, Seaside Vibes, and Unexpected Bonds in Cyprus
Our ideal morning starts with a walk to a local coffee shop or pastacceria with outdoor seating where we leisurely sip cappuccinos…
Cairo Travel Woes and Haircut Adventures
While we have loved our time in Egypt, we are ready to move on to our next country. We’re looking forward to a respite from the dust, and the days here have been getting hotter than we’d prefer. Our next destination is…
Strands of Hope: Navigating Dreams and Disappointments in a Salon Chair
So this person, who cuts and styles hair for a living—and changes people’s lives every day—can’t see a way to make her own dreams come true.
Savoring Souvlaki and Sipping Cappuccinos: Navigating Nomadic Life in Greece
I know many things about this new phase of our lives may not be what people expect…
Corporate Farewell and Full-time Travel
Our walk to the DHL office is markedly different than it was a day ago…
On the road again
Is it fair to say we are eager to finally be on the road again when technically we haven’t left it? We detoured back to the US to visit family over Christmas, which was wonderful, but also a whirlwind. Because it took so much time, energy, patience, and …
Hair Adventures Abroad: Trusting Google and a Sombrero
The real bravery in becoming a full-time traveler is not giving up your home and everything you own. It’s being in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language and need a hair color touchup and haircut and trusting that you won’t need to wear a hat for the foreseeable future.…
Why are we finding Gina Marie?
Welcome to Finding Gina Marie!
Why did we start this video podcast? Mainly because we think our story might be interesting to a few people. So far, our journey has taken us from New York to Texas and then to California. During this journey, Judy made some amazing discoveries about her family.
Wanderlust Wisdom: Crafting a Travel Lifestyle That Fits
One of the dilemmas we ponder is whether we’re traveling enough. And who gets to decide what that means?
Snacks MIA: A Bumpy Train Ride and Market Adventures in Palermo
It’s the second time in as many cities that I’ve wondered if we are making a mistake selling everything we own to experience this adventure.