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Corporate Farewell and Full-time Travel
Our walk to the DHL office is markedly different than it was a day ago…
Epiphany in Athens and a Surprising Twist
We are pretty happy with our apartment rental in Athens, Greece. The shower isn’t too small, the bed doesn’t sink in the center, the pillows aren’t too flat, and we have plenty of …
Defying the Mafia: Addiopizzo's Heroic Stand Against Extortion
Movies like “The Godfather,” “Goodfellas,” and TV shows such as “The Sopranos” have romanticized the clandestine nature of organized crime, adding to its mystique and allure. So it wasn’t a surprise that we were intrigued by a No Mafia tour when we visited Palermo, Italy.
Happy New Year from Athens, Greece!
Aegean Airlines gave each person boarding the plane a wrapped pomegranate with these instructions…
On the road again
Is it fair to say we are eager to finally be on the road again when technically we haven’t left it? We detoured back to the US to visit family over Christmas, which was wonderful, but also a whirlwind. Because it took so much time, energy, patience, and …
Hair Adventures Abroad: Trusting Google and a Sombrero
The real bravery in becoming a full-time traveler is not giving up your home and everything you own. It’s being in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language and need a hair color touchup and haircut and trusting that you won’t need to wear a hat for the foreseeable future.…
The Joyful Dance of Conversations in Italian Windows
We follow the winding alleyways and admire the colorful homes with their wrought iron balconies, charming flower boxes, and fresh laundry drying in the breeze. But it’s the people hanging out of the windows
Music in the Air in Palermo, Italy
The bambino has it right. The troubadour is mesmerizing, and this wee baby would not take their eyes off of the musician playing a soulful tune.
Lazy day in Cascais, Portugal
There is nothing that screams vacation more than hanging out in a beach town. Even the process of getting there is fun for me because I get to decompress on the journey. On this day, our transportation of choice is a short 40-minute train from Lisbon to Cascais …