The Joyful Dance of Conversations in Italian Windows
We follow the winding alleyways and admire the colorful homes with their wrought iron balconies, charming flower boxes, and fresh laundry drying in the breeze. But it’s the people hanging out of the windows two and three stories up chatting with their friends on the street that bring the biggest smile to my face. Sometimes the person in the window eases a basket down to haul up some special prize and on other occasions a basket from the street will be thrown upwards for the Juliet to catch.
Men are equally chatty in these scenarios, and sometimes they are in lower-story windows stretched out so they can chat with a friend on a stopped motorcycle or scooter who blocks the center of the road. Italians sure can be innovative and sociable!
Balconies in Palermo during a rainstorm protected by shower curtains