How To Reduce Stress For Anxious Travelers
Vacations are supposed to be fun. But by their very nature, it can mean being uncomfortable a lot of the time because so much can be unfamiliar, which isn’t relaxing or easy. If you want to travel with someone who fears travel, here are some tips to help them feel a little less overwhelmed. It may require some compromises, but you may find that these ideas may even enhance your own time on the road. And if you’re the anxious traveler, ensure that your vacation incorporates these ideas so your vacation leaves you rejuvenated and not a bundle of nerves at the end.
Start small
Are there places on your partner’s bucket list that you can venture to first? Having a destination that someone is eager to explore can make travel more enjoyable, especially if the language or culture isn’t completely foreign to them.
Prepare a packing list
Exit your accommodations stress free
Knowing what to pack or worrying about forgetting something can easily be solved by building a packing list and checking off the items going into your suitcase so you don’t have to second guess whether you brought something. We travel in three seasons without a home base so everything we pack is what we own. We have some luxury items, but this will give you some idea of how we travel!
We have a free Travel Day Checklist that will help you to be sure you leave nothing behind when you’re checking out of your accommodations. You can get that from the downloads section of our website. It makes leaving a place feel virtually effortless.
Pack light
Having to navigate several heavy bags up flights of stairs or around an airport or on a plane is no fun. You both can look good with what’s packed inside a carry on only and you’ll be grateful not to have so much literal baggage to have to deal with. These tips can help! We know many people who insist that they can travel easier when they are prepared for everything. While that may be the case, you might want to check out our article, The Heavy Truth About Big Suitcases.
Be comfortable
It may be worth it to travel with upgraded flights or trains. Having roomier seats or not having to sit elbow to elbow with strangers can lessen some of the anxiety of travel. Economy Plus on the longer legs of travel can make a big difference.
Eat and stay hydrated
Ensure you have snacks, plenty of water, and have had a meal before boarding your plane or train. Know before you go what kinds of food will be available to you in transit. We lucked out because we had some leftover snacks and full water bottles with us when we boarded a nine+ hour train from Naples to Palermo with no food cars. Know before you go because being hangry creates for a long, unhappy travel experience.
Balance energy levels
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Don't Forget: Must-Do Checks Before Leaving Your Hotel or Airbnb
Don’t try to fit too many activities into one day. Two should be the maximum number of places to explore in one day and ideally they are in the same area of town. Leave something for tomorrow. Remember that your vacation should also be an opportunity to decompress, and if either of you is introverted, you will need down time away from crowds.
Factor commute time between activities and know your options
It’s a common mistake to forget to account for commute time between activities. If one activity ends at 11 and the other starts at 1pm, it may seem doable in theory, but can you eat lunch and get across town? Do you know whether it’s a walkable distance? If not, how does the bus schedule align and do you need to pay for it in advance? Will you need to take a cab? It’s best to sort out these details in advance of your trip, but if not then at least the night before. Just bear in mind that while you’re traveling, your energy levels might be low.
Go to bed early
It’s hard to be patient or your best self when you are sleep deprived. Sleeping well in a strange bed means there may be more tossing and turning, which doesn’t allow for a restorative sleep or a happy next morning. Also, if you’re overtired or had a super busy day, it may be difficult to wind down enough to let your body rest. Do your best to ensure that everyone’s getting adequate sleep.
Don’t eat too late at night
Your partner may not be used to the rich foods you are eating on vacation, especially in restaurant quantities. Acid reflux is no fun, so bring antacids and try to eat your heaviest foods earlier in the day so that you can walk them off before hitting the hay.
Spend more time in a place
Someone who finds travel stressful probably won’t want to move around from destination to destination every one or two or even four days. Consider staying in one hotel for a week before moving to a second city. Give yourselves time to get comfortable and to know more about your destination before jetting off to somewhere else.
We found that fast travel can sometimes add to our anxiety levels
We’d love to hear your suggestions in the comments below regarding how you or a loved one keeps stress to a minimum while on vacation. And let us know if these tips have worked for you!