A Kindness in Chiang Mai

Mama Sandwich by Wella’s is a can’t miss restaurant in Chiang Mai Nimman area, Thailand

Roast8ry’s delicious cappuccino and flat white with latte art

We were sitting around eating dinner in an outdoor restaurant several weeks ago and we felt a little off. It had nothing to do with the food or each other’s company. There were no pressing worries or deadlines or family struggles hanging over our heads. Cambodia and its incredible people were in our rearview mirror and we’d spent about a week adjusting to Chiang Mai. There was nothing we could pinpoint as a cause of any distress. And then it hit me. We had been surrounded by kindness and familiar faces and now we felt somewhat invisible and disconnected. We were missing the connections that are so important to us. There’s a scene in the sitcom, Friends, where Rachel tells Phoebe that she “lifts right out.” I’m not sure if everyone worries about that, but it’s not a far road to travel when you live a nomadic life and are physically distanced from friends and family.

Mama Sandwich’s famous Thai pork bagel

One of the things we do to try to stay connected to people during our travels is to find a coffee shop in every new place we visit and be regulars there for a month. Sometimes we have breakfast if it’s an affordable city we’re in; otherwise, we at least sit awhile with a cappuccino apiece. Here in Thailand, Kevin’s been drinking flat whites, so those also work. It’s the time we spend in each other’s company talking about our plans for the day, hashing out strategies, dreams, and ideas we have, breathe a bit, and take time to be grateful for the cool city we’re in at the time.

Here in Nimman, the hipster area of Chiang Mai, there’s a huge coffee culture and some of the finest latte art we’ve ever seen. We thought finding a welcoming coffee shop would be straightforward and simple. Instead, we went through an extended version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Our first choice place got great reviews, but they didn’t have any espresso drinks. The fruit smoothies were tasty, but we missed the caffeine and coziness of a warm beverage. We later learned that you could go to an upstairs restaurant, order a coffee and bring it down to drink with breakfast. It just seemed like too much of a hassle.

Lin Lin and Tear—Mama Sandwiches by Wella’s

We tried a few other places, but either they served no food or the only food available was rich desserts. Or they were dark and moody. And then the heavens opened and we found “our place.” It was a community dining space squeezed between Roast8ry, an award-winning coffee shop, and Mama Sandwiches by Wella’s, which serves sourdough bagels and some of the tastiest breakfast options pressed between two pieces of bread. I buy the breakfast from Mama Sandwich while Kevin gives his order to Roast8ry. The combination is perfection. One of my favorite breakfast options is a small loaded bagel filled with cheese, pickled peppers, and Thai pork. It’s a delicious bite, but heavier food than I need in the morning.

I don’t typically request food substitutions when we are traveling internationally because it seems more polite to eat food the way it’s served, but in this case, I requested a somewhat lighter option that skipped the bread and subbed eggs and ham for the pork and added some fresh tomato chutney. It was the right amount of filling and delicious. While I was keenly aware of the extra effort Lin Lin and Tear went through each morning to accommodate my off-menu breakfast item, they had nothing but smiles for us each day. We were delighted to hear them rattle off our orders without needing any reminders.

There were a few scattered days where we skipped our morning ritual for some sightseeing, including Valentine’s Day. So when we were back on schedule the following day, we were surprised when Tear asked if we’d be back the following day because she had a gift for us. We weren’t prepared to receive this handmade scented candle personalized for us with the name of our YouTube channel.

This unexpected act of kindness and generosity warmed our hearts. It took a little while for us to find the connectedness in Chiang Mai that we craved, but Tear and Lin Lin’s generosity and giving spirits were exactly what we needed to feel like we’d found a home in Thailand. We may only stay in a place for a month or so, but the memories of the special people we meet along the way are ones we will cherish for a lifetime.

This generous and thoughtful personalized gift is from Tear and Lin Lin from Mama Sandwiches by Wella’s, Chiang Mai, Thailand


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